Progressive & Pacific Home Warranty have partnered with over 5000 home builders across Western Canada to provide homeowners peace of mind when it comes to buying and owning a new home, providing you with home warranty coverage on your new home or property. If you are a policy holder, you can contact us any time to access your Home Warranty Insurance Policy.

While your primary relationship after possession is likely with your home builder, you can file a claim with us as your New Home Warranty Insurance Policy administrator at any time. We are here to assist you in your homeownership journey, and we will ensure any warrantable defects will be reviewed and repaired in a timely manner.

We fully support a homeowner taking added precautions when buying a home, and believe that a second set of eyes from an industry professional is extremely important and something all homeowners should consider.  We simply recommend using that same approach when choosing a third-party agent.


Understanding Third-Party warranty representatives – Alberta

Alberta’s New Home Buyer Protection Act requires all new homes built in Alberta are to have new home warranty insurance coverage to ensure homebuyers receive mandated protections. Legislation outlines all parameters for coverage, meaning our approach is objective and transparent. We are committed to fairness and integrity in all claims matters and our general conduct.

In very rare cases, and under very specific circumstances, the insured (homeowner) may need to appoint a third-party agent to make warranty insurance-related claims, provide proof and information, facilitate access and/or make decisions on their behalf, as well as other claims process functions. In those cases, as detailed in Alberta’s Insurance Act, the reason for appointment and verification of identity are essential. Assignments and associated claims authority requests must go through our review process to protect and inform homeowners around the seriousness of this matter. Third-Party agents hold no authority or ability to influence the coverages or insurance benefits above and beyond what is required by the legislated New Home Buyer Protection Act.

It is very important that a homeowner understand any fees, costs, or expenses directly related to hiring a third-party agent to represent them during a claim are not covered by the warranty policy. The consulting fees of this nature are expressly and very clearly excluded in the Home Warranty Insurance Policy:



       Any loss or damage from the following are excluded from this Policy:

              (t) any professional fees, including legal, consulting, or medical costs.


This means homeowners and condo corporations are highly unlikely to see reimbursement for any third-party agent fees or expenses and would be well-advised to consider the policy exclusions and limitations.

It is important to remember we welcome any inquiries from homeowners who are uncertain about making a claim, have questions, or require assistance in submitting a claim.

We encourage you to maintain open, collaborative communication with your builder and to work through any issues or concerns as they arise, knowing you can initiate a claim with us at any time. We help all parties maintain open, collaborative communication and are focused on performance and accountability.

We work with the Warranty Provider to review issues through our claims process to determine if they are warrantable under Alberta’s New Home Buyer Protection Act.  If the report finds warrantable defects, we’ll work with the homeowner and an accredited representative (usually the builder) to fix and resolve the issues. If a homeowner disagrees with a decision and wishes to contest it, other claims resolution options are available, including section 519 of the Insurance Act.  We can speak with you about those options, so you choose one that suits you or your concern best.



In the shortest of terms, if you submit a claim to Progressive Home Warranty, ALL items determined to be covered under the policy, will be repaired at no cost to the homeowner.

As we said earlier, we firmly believe third-party type advisors who work with industry, understand what home warranty is and isn’t, who help with broadening education and understanding, and believe in the legislation and its protections for homeowners are a welcome asset to our industry. Progressive Home Warranty wants to ensure all homeowners are aware and use due-diligence to understand their home policy and home warranty coverages, limitations, and exclusions before proceeding with any third-party agent.

We are not discouraging you from obtaining a third-party agent, we are simply advising you to educate yourself on the home policy, its coverages, limitations, and exclusions first.  New Home Warranty Legislation in Alberta is already designed to protect the homeowner by providing coverage and benefit for certain issues that may arise with your new home.  We also acknowledge you may not be an expert on the subject matter, which is why our team of professionals are here to help!

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, your policy, how to file a claim, or additional resolution options, please contact us at 1.866.996.9776 or by email at


All information above is meant for informational purposes only and does not create nor confer any contractual or other rights.  All rights with respect to coverage will be governed by the warranty certificate, or home warranty insurance policy issued.  Some conditions or coverage details may vary depending on regional guidelines and individual policy details.